
Degas International Dance studio is dedicated to instructing, educating and inspiring children to advanced professional performers in the ART of DANCE.

Degas International Dance Academy is a training and performance oriented studio. Focus in on technique and artistry from the ground up. Our studio offers the highest level of instruction for recreational students Ages 5 to High School teens and accelerated training program for our team selection students.

Classes are taught in ENGLISH. Our community is very local and international and our students speak many languages. While the Director is working hard to learn Dutch and wants to fully integrate into the society. All of our families find it a benefit and great opportunity to work on their English. 12 week sessions.

Owner/Artistic Director Anacia Weiskittel has spent over 30yrs as a dance educator and founder of Degas Dance Studio in Los Angeles, CA where she trained some of the top dancers, generation after generation.

We are training and empowering students to find and use their unique artistic voice. Creating the next generation of artists, dancers, choreographers and directors. Whether you want to be a professional dancer or learn valuable life skills that will help you be successful at whatever you wan to do in life. For more information or email

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Aanmelden voor Degas International Dance Academy tijdens de Delftse Sportweek 2022

Wil je kennismaken met Degas International Dance Academy tijdens de Delftse Sportweek? Vul hieronder jouw gegevens in en druk op verzenden. Je bent dan automatisch aangemeld voor deze activiteit. Je mag ook altijd nog spontaan (zonder aanmelding) meedoen, mits er nog plek is bij deze activiteit. Aanmelden is dus wel slim!


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Degas International Dance Academy

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